Friday 28 November 2014

Little Friday... you kicked my a-s-s

In Denmark people do not waste a single chance to party. Thursday is also known as "Little Friday". In Odense you can always find a place offering 1 hour of free beer. Very nice if you think a (good) beer in a pub can cost 40-50 Danish kroner. Well, I wish you all a good Friday morning!

Wednesday 26 November 2014


"Even my mother likes this dessert"

Preparation time:

     20 mins. + 30 mins. cooling time


     6 red apples
     2 tbsp. vanilla sugar
     10-15 makroner (macaroons)
     20 cl. whipped cream


Peel the apples and cut them in small pieces. Cook the apples in a pot with a glass of water and the vanilla sugar.  Keep mixing until you obtain a puree. Let it cool while you crumble some macaroons. Spread the crumbs on the apples and top it with a little cream. Enjoy your æblekage and don't hesitate to add more crumbs and cream if you run out of it!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Ice cream time!

In our neighborhood the ice cream truck goes around ringing its bell. Today Martin fell for it and this is the result of his trip. Talking about men going out of the cave to hunt and providing for the family...

Sunday 23 November 2014

Happy birthday!

Danes living on the island of Fyn celebrate birthdays with a special cake called brunsviger. The cake is shaped as a man and ceres in brown sugar, marzipan and candies. If you want to wish a Dane happy birthday you should say "Tillykke med fødselsdagen!"

Saturday 22 November 2014

It's Christmas time again!

Today the city of Odense officially opened the Holiday season. In what way? We gathered in the City Hall square and we watched Julemand (aka Santa Claus) together with Mayor Anker Boye turning on the lights on a gigantic Christmas tree.

Friday 21 November 2014


After many days of cloudy sky, we finally got to see the sun again here in Odense. You should know that Denmark is not the sunniest country of all. This is why, whenever a ray of sunshine sneaks through the clouds we feel overjoyed.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Somebody's tired...

You might think I'm a bad girlfriend. Then you should know that he collects pictures of me taken at awful hours. Goodnight!

Life on the other side

Have you ever wondered how life looks from the other side of the desk at the ESN office? Well, here it is. It's of course much nicer when the room is full of lovely international students.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Danes can work from home

Did you know that Danes can ask their employers to work from home? This happens very often if you have young kids or if you need to be home when the plumber comes. Of course, not all jobs allow this but it's still a great option for many.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Don't joke about our chips.

Today Martin bought this interesting bag of chips. I let you draw your conclusions, but I suggest you to never get into a discussion with a Dane regarding salty snacks. Sour cream and onion chips have a special place in their hearts, right next to HRH Margrethe.

Monday 17 November 2014

Oh remoulade...

This is what happens to your fish when you add remoulade. Delicious!

Sunday 16 November 2014

Ready for the movies

Martin and I are waiting for o enter the movie theater. We're going to see Jersey Boys by Clint Eastwood.

Sunday morning hygge

Happy Sunday morning everyone! I'm enjoying a not-so-Danish breakfast on my Christmasy coasters.

Thursday 13 November 2014

A little moment of pride

Yeesterday I had the chance to accompany about 30 international students to visit Tornbjerg Gymnasium in Odense. I strongly believe that events like this get us closer to integration and cultural understanding. I think people had a good time and I'm looking forward to doing this again. Of course, a big thank to my fellow ESNers for carrying out the event with me.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Greetings from NEP Stockholm

Just wanted to say hello. We're having very busy days. Tonight we had our first royal moose sittning aka formål dinner with songs and antlers.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Conquering Stockholm

A long and busy weekend awaits me in Stockholm, where I'll be representing my local student organisation ESN Odense. We'll learn a lot of things and have a lot of fun at NEP Stockholm 2014. And there was snow on the way here!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Movember and Mo-cookies

For the second year I decided to support Movember campaign and my local team: Movember at SDU.
I baked this (I must say very tasty) chocolate cookies. Mo-kager!
If you want to support the cause you can donate via Mobile Pay to 50374130 or online to Movember at SDU.

Monday 3 November 2014

Callin' sick today

It's a sad sad day... but since I'll have to stay in all day I will find the time to enjoy some Danish TV. Or just keeping up with the Kardashians :D